Tech Bulletin
System Galaxy v11.8.6 Current Release (Aug 2024)
System Galaxy v11.8.5 Prior Release (Mar 2024)
NEW - Active Director Change Monitor Guide (2024)
NEW - idProducer Upgrade Guide (May 2023)
NEW - Operator Usernames are Email Address (Aug 2024)
NEW - Operator Passwords are Case-Sensitive (May 2023)
New Hardware DIO-Board (Jan 2023)
TB - BOSCH Panel 9512G Compatibility (Dec 2023)
New Tech Support Website page (notice)
Windows Print Spooler Issues (update needed)
Otis Compass (supporting more DECs)
Pro Tip - Adding Controllers Made Easy!
Pro Tip - Recreate the Secure.gcs File
Galaxy Training Information (with link)

(posted DEC 2023)
The Bosch Alarm Panel model 9512G must run Bosch software version v310.034 (or lower) to work with the Galaxy Alarm Panel Service.

(posted Sep 2024)
System Galaxy v11.8.5 (or higher) now offers a new Active Directory Import and Synch App that imports and synchs the Cardholder records with data from Active Directory.
See the Active Directory Change Monitor Guide for instructions.

(posted June 2023)
System Galaxy v11.8.4.2 (or higher) now offers an idProducer Upgrade Guide.
See the idProducer Upgrade Guide for instructions.

(posted Aug 2024)
This bulletin covers the recent updates to SG System Operator Login accounts:
SG 11.8.6 or higher: New operator logins must use a real email address as the username.
SG or higher: All operator logins must use a case-sensitive password.
System Galaxy v11.8.6 (or higher) now uses an email address as the Operator Username.
NEW INSTALLS: If you are installing a new system, then all the operators must use a real email address the username field.
System Galaxy will validate the text formatting of the username to ensure it meets a valid email address format.
SG does not validate where the email account is active on the domain. -
UPGRADES: If you are upgrading SG v11.8.5 or older, the existing operator usernames will continue to work, but all newly added operators must use a real email address in the username field. Remember that all operator audit reporting is based on Operator Username.
See the Creating Operator Login (Email Username) for details.
System Galaxy v11.8.4.2 (or higher) now uses case-sensitive passwords for all Operator Logins (new or upgraded).
NEW INSTALLS: If you are installing a new system, then the operators must create case-sensitive passwords.
UPGRADES: Before upgrading SG, you should have your operators change their passwords to a new case-sensitive password.
See the Creating Operator Password (Case-Sensitive) for instructions.

( Post Updated AUG 2024)
System Galaxy v11.8.6 is released in August 2024.
System Highlights:
Operator Names use email address if Windows Single Sign-on is configured: The email must be a valid format such as – i.e., .net, .edu, etc.
the first System Operator must use a real email address for the Name field.
Additional operators must use an email address if “Single Sign-on” is enabled.
System upgrades: any pre-existing operator names may continue to function without an email address regardless of the Single Sign-on setting.
NOTICE: Galaxy does not validate whether the email is active, only whether the name meets valid formatting for an email address.
Added dedicated API operator named ‘SGApiUser’. The password is randomly generated, and the config file is updated automatically.
The ‘On the Clock’ Report can be configured to include the Record ID and Phone #. Use the SG Settings Editor to enable this data on the report:
“0” is disabled (data is not shown on report)
“1” is enabled (Record ID and Phone will appear on report)
Improved the AD Service for the AD Change Monitor Utility
which imports cardholders from Active Directory.
Video support has been updated for ...
Digital Watchdog
Video Insight
The DVRs option has been renamed to “Video Systems” in the Hardware tree, and SG menu Configure >Hardware > Video Systems.
Card Exchange and EPI-Builder are no longer supported. Added an obsolescence pop-up warning message which appears whenever the operator prints or previews a badge from Card Exchange badge or GA Imaging.
Updated support for biometric readers ...
MorphManager/BioBridge Idemia integration to Version
Invixium Systems integration.
Updated idPRODUCER badging software to version 1.7.9055.24990, DB Version
In the System Galaxy software the ‘Controller Mover’ is designated as “Controller Mover (500i Only)”.
Other Notes:
The System Specifications/Recommendations have been updated for PC (client/server), MS Windows/Server OS, and MS SQL Versions. See the SG System Specifications PDF for details.
idProducer Badging supersedes all prior badging solutions. Card Exchange and EPI Builder (GA Imaging) are no longer supported in SG 11.8.6 or higher
The new AD Change Monitor Tool supersedes all older AD Import Tools in 11.8.5 or higher.
Also see: Getting Started On-Premises and What’s New

( Post Updated MAR 2024)
System Galaxy v11.8.5 is released in March 14, 2024.
System Highlights:
Updated SystemGalaxy.exe to automatically enable (turn ON) the ‘Use Web Services’ option if the system is registered for idProducer badging and the ‘Use Web Services’ option is OFF. This condition is detected at the time System Galaxy is launched.
(NEW) TKE Elevator System with Agile Kiosk interface:
up to 128 front and rear landings
up to 16 front and rear kiosks per landing, front and rear
up to 15 elevator cars with front-only or front-&-rear doors.
up to 4 elevator groups per system
(NEW) Active Directory Change Management App (API-based Active Directory Service).
Releasing a new API-based Active Directory Change Management App and GCS AD Service that will automatically push AD Users into the System Galaxy cardholder/card tables. The AD tool uses Change Cookies and record Look-up of mapped fields to continually update imported User Records. The import/update can be done manually or automatically based on a configurable timer. Once the AD User is imported, any future changes in the User Account from Active Directory can be automatically pushed into System Galaxy.
NOTICE: Microsoft IIS settings must be installed using the Galaxy IIS Install Helper Utility...
IIS is required for LaunchPoint Web Client and idProducer Badging Solution.
You must run Galaxy’s IIS Install Utility from Step 4 of the Galaxy Installation USB/ISO.
You must run the IIS Install Helper Utility before you install idProducer or LaunchPoint.
LaunchPoint Web Client Updates ...
Help icon added to Dashboard header linking to LP Help page for user support.
Setting to restrict deletions of cardholders (will be marked inactive instead) if desired.
Can now restrict deletions of access groups, schedules, and special days.
Option to enable/disable customers’ ability for Bluetooth credential creation.
Integration with TBS biometrics.
Enhancements & Fixes
Fixed error caused in some scenarios when disabling a cardholder from the Live Events screen.
Fixed issue with cardholders’ Data fields missing data in System Galaxy when entered from LaunchPoint.
Fixed problem with warning modal for browser snooze appearing before the browser falls asleep.
Now able to modify cardholders regardless of if the connection to idProducer subscription is successful.
Created a workflow resolving issues with master/non-master operators adding shared loops to a profile.
Fixed error from enrolling cards in Live Events when events involve 40-bit credentials.
Fixed problem with saving data in LP containing the word “Exception”.
Fixed error with Time Schedules unable to be modified or accessed in LaunchPoint.
Fixed issue with cardholder filtering between customers when cardholder ID codes are the same.
Cardholder Search now returns correct results when searching with non-alphanumeric characters.
Fixed issue where LP saved card data incorrectly for some card technologies.
Expanded error logging.
Made changes to text for modal windows.
Also see: Getting Started On-Premises and What’s New

( Post Updated May 2023 )
System Galaxy v11.8.4.X is released in May of 2023.
System Highlights:
Updated SystemGalaxy.exe to automatically enable (turn ON) the ‘Use Web Services’ option at startup/launch, If your are registered for idProducer badging and the Use Web Services option is OFF. This automatic enable of that option only happens at the time when System Galaxy is launched.
SG_Import – fixed issue where default facility/company code wasn’t used for update operations.
SG_Import – fixed bug that was causing dialog box to appear when executing the application with a command line parameter. This was preventing the app from being used in automated batch files.
Added new message to GCS_Loader to report that the panels and database have different card modes specified. The message says something like this: Load Card NACK. Verify cluster Card Data Mode matches panel settings.
Added Galaxy 40-bit card format (top 4 bits = Prefix(0-15), lower 36 bits = ID Code, no parity ).
Added S28 Flash file section lists to allow loader to be used on cloud machines where file browsing is disabled.
Added Time Zone selection to 6xx clusters.
Updated services to support clusters in different time zone from event server. This had impact on Event Server, Client GW & DBWriter.
Adjusted GCSEventServer time sync logic to sync at 0 and 30 minutes on the hour rather than doing it once per hour on a free running timer.
Changed 500 loop time sync behavior to occur at the top and bottom of the hour instead of at random times.
Fixed issue that was allowing case-insensitive passwords to be accepted.
Fixed issue with 500 loops and time zone changing.
Also see: Getting Started On-Premises and What’s New

(posted Jan 2023)
The 600-DIOe Board (Digital Input/Output) introduces a new Configuration Switch. This replaces the 3.5mm Audio Jack.
NEW 600-DIO Board Rev. E = Config Switch (sw2)
(older) 600-DIO Board Rev. C = Audio Jack (not pictured)
The new Configuration Switch has 2 positions ...
ON = normal board operation
OFF = configuration mode
See the new 600-DIO Board Install QRG for quick install instructions

(re-posted July 2021)
Dealers and Technicians need to create a new Login account, since Galaxy has rolled out a new company website. Logins from the old platform cannot be converted to the new platform.
Create a new Dealer Login Account ...
click the Partner Login Icon
(top right corner of the web page)
Where is Tech Support on the New Website?
click the Headset Icon
(top right corner of the Home page)
On the Tech Support page find links to the following ...
TeamViewer Client Download
Galaxy Online Registration
Galaxy Software Downloads
System Galaxy Online Help
LaunchPoint Online Help

(posted July 2021)
We have recently encountered badge printing issues caused by the Microsoft Windows Print Spooler Service not running. This is a Microsoft issue.
This may also affect the ability to run reports that are generated using Crystal Reports.
Microsoft has released updates to rectify the problem with the Print Spooler. Until the Microsoft patch is fully implemented across all systems, it is likely that the problems will continue.

(posted July 2021)
BioBridge is the program that System Galaxy uses to interface with Sagem biometric readers.
The latest version of Biobridge (v15x ) only works with the Sigma line of readers. Biobridge 15x does not support the older MA and J-series readers. Additionally, the registration process for earlier versions of Biobridge no longer functions.
Galaxy is talking to Sagem for clarification.
For the time being, contact Galaxy Support for clarification before upgrading systems using Sagem readers.

(posted Feb 2021)
System Highlights:
No more Client Registration! Starting with version 11.7, only the System needs to be registered, eliminating the need to register client installations. The client Gateway service will keep track of and limit the number of clients connected to the system.
Automatic Shutdown for Inactivity option: We have added an option to automatically shut down System Galaxy after a predetermined amount of inactivity.
Multiple Credentials on a Cardholder Record Notification: We have added a special notification for Cardholder records that have multiple Cards issued. The notification “Multiple Credentials” (RED text) will appear beside the Cardholder Record ID when a cardholder record has more than one card associated with that record.

(posted April 2021)
Otis Compass elevator system is designed to rapidly move large numbers of people into a building and to the floor where they work.
Instead of going directly to an elevator door (car) and pressing an elevator call button, the passenger goes to a DEC Kiosk and chooses the desired floor. The DEC calculates the most efficient passage and prompts the person which elevator car to use. This way passengers go directly to their floor rather than making unnecessary stops along the way.
Recently, Galaxy Control Systems released System Galaxy 11.8.0 which dramatically increases the number of DECs supported.

When System Galaxy is launched, the software reaches out to an encrypted file called secure.gcs to get the login information needed to access the database. If something happens to this file, the software will display a 'SQL Server login' window instead of the normal System Galaxy login window.
If manually entering the Galaxy SQL Server login name and password succeeds, then you can delete secure.gcs from the System Galaxy directory. Then restarting System Galaxy software will display the database options screen where you can enter the SQL login information again. This will cause the secure.gcs file to be recreated. (Note: Secure.gcs is a hidden file. To see hidden files, you can select the Show Hidden Items checkbox in the View menu of the File Explore.)

( June 2021 )
Once a 635 controller has connected to the Event Server (GCS Event Service), it will display in the System Galaxy Loop/Cluster Diagnostics screen. There you can easily add it to the system programming ...
In System Galaxy software, go to View>Loop/Cluster Diagnostics from the main menu.
Any controllers seen by the Event Service will appear on the list.
Click the Controller droplist and select the controller name that you want to add.
Click the Add Controller button to add the controller to the System Galaxy programming.
In the Controller Properties screen, the new controller will now appear in the Controllers droplist.
PRO TIP 2 - Add Boards Quickly: in the Controller Properties screen, you can using the Get Board feature to quickly add boards. The controller must be in Edit mode to add boards.

Daylight Savings Time takes effect on Sunday, March 14th, 2021.
Certain older versions of System Galaxy might encounter a time synchronization issue with the controllers. If this issue occurs, the 600 & 635 controllers will repeatedly connect and disconnect from the GCS Event Service. The GCS Service Monitor , will show 'authentication failures' in the status message; while the CPU's Embedded Web Server will consistently show a 'connected' status.
To restore communication, you must synchronize the date and time between the Event Service computer and the CPUs. The easiest way to resynchronize time is to open the CPU's Embedded Webpage and click the [ Set Date/Time ] button near the top of the Panel Status page to synchronize the panel. Otherwise, you can issue the terminal commands "set HH:MM:SS" and "set MM/DD/YYYY" using a Terminal Emulation program and a direct serial connection to the CPU.
Note: The time sync issue was fixed with a patch for System Galaxy v11.0.2 and has been permanently resolved in the SG versions after that.

System Galaxy makes this easy with a backup utility that enables you to schedule automatic backups. To watch a video on how to configure this, see the Technical Learning Center webpage . Remember to select a backup storage location that is not on the same computer as the database. Also, verify that the backup files are in the destination folder when you finish setting up the backup. Note: sometimes the backup fails because the operating system does not give SQL Server the rights to place the backup file in the specified directory.
Backing up your System Galaxy database to a safe place, is of paramount importance.

Galaxy Control Systems continues to add additional training dates to the schedule to offset the reduced class size in alignment with Covid-19 social-distancing recommendations.
Visit our new schedule and scheduling system at
Galaxy Control Systems reserves the right to postpone or cancel classes if needed due to lack of attendance, inclement weather, or COVID related issues.